Monday, January 2, 2012

Fashion Trends for 2012

Seasons influencing 2012 fashion

Winter 2012 fashion
The start of a new year won’t mean that 2012 fashion is all completely new. Anything but. There’ll be those distinctly new elements and those distinctly new themes, but a lot of the clothing and accessories we wear in 2012 will be influenced by the most recent season: autumn / fall 2011. Follow the link to find out which fashionable elements are a part of the end of 2011 and the start of 2012, and will have an impact upon 2012′s fashion trends.
5 pieces to keep for the New Year
What to keep, what to store, what to throw away all together? These are questions we’re bound to ask as we move into any new year. For 2012 the options of what to keep are many; you simply need to know how to give those key trend pieces from last year a 2012 refresh.
Follow the link to find out 5 key pieces from last season that will continue to serve you well into 2012.

 2012 fashion trends for women and men
Spring 2012 fashion trends
Get a head start on 2012 and gaze into the crystal ball to take in all the men’s and women’s 2012 fashion trends that are set to follow autumn / fall 2011.’s spring 2012 fashion guide takes an advanced look at the best catwalks and collections, picking out all of the trends so you can build your perfect collection of 2012 fashion now.
Spring 2012 color trends
Everyone approaches color differently. While our wardrobes are usually dominated by one or two of them, often when we shop we’re partial to investing in some seasonal colors. Read our spring spring 2012 colors to find out which colors are dominating the minds of designers when they set about creating 2012′s fashions.
The curated wardrobe
This isn’t an actual 2012 clothing trend in so much as it is one that has an impact on the fashion we’ll choose in 2012. The curated wardrobe are our thoughts on the new luxury: the luxury of indulging in 2012′s fashion (and beyond) always with an eye on quality instead of quantity. Read the manifesto to find out more about the old luxury of fast fashion versus the new luxury of selected fashion, and why having a curated wardrobe is the sign of being stylish.

2012 hair & beauty trends
2012 hairstyles & hair trends
Before you’ve even decided what you’re going to wear for the day your hair cut will go a long way to defining your look. But it’s the way that you style your hair that will really set you apart. Read’s guide to 2012 hairstyles for a full run down and lots of tutorials of all the on trend cuts, colours and styles for 2012.
2012 men’s hairstyles
When it comes to 2012′s fashion trends the odds are that we’ll put far a lot of thought into the clothes and accessories – but when it comes to the year’s hair, particularly men’s hair, it’s often something overlooked. This year takes you through the full spectrum of 2012 men’s hairstyles and haircuts, giving you everything from what to ask your hairdresser for to how to style it.
2012 beauty trends
From the right nail polish to the right eye shadow,’s guide to 2012 beauty trends takes you through all the key looks, key products and key tutorials. Follow the link to find out which beauty and makeup looks you should make your own in 2012.

2012 accessory trends

They say that clothes make the man, and yet it’s usually the accessories that set an outfit apart. Below you’ll find a list of the 2012 accessory trends that are influencing 2012 fashion.

Doctor’s bag
Generally each year has an it bag, the handbag so chic and on-trend that it becomes a must have. The it bag for 2012, however, is nowhere to be found. There’s a lot of reasons for that, but consider yourself lucky: it means you’re far less likely to turn up an event with exactly the same handbag on your arm as someone else. Instead, for 2012 handbag and accessory trends turn to key themes, such as the doctor’s bag. Follow the link to find out who has designed it, and which on-trend variations of the handbag have been made.

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